Jan 20, 2020
The New Face of Medical Missions
The missionary physicians of the 21st century will be Africans— and US missions agencies couldn’t be happier. As the rainy season nears...
May 18, 2018
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Is Not a Ministry Guide
The infamous pyramid was never an accurate description of how people act, let alone a guide to discipleship. You may have been told once...
May 20, 2016
Pastors and the Psychology of Scarcity
During an Exponential East workshop by Thrivent Financial on Money, Stress, and Ministry, a pastor arrived several minutes early, sat...
Nov 13, 2014
A Survey Can Make You Less Moral
What behavioral economics has to do with scary statistics. Surely by the time Elijah wandered off into the desert to die, he would have...
Feb 23, 2009
Who Do You Think You Are?
The global church needs to ground youth in their true, deepest identity. About a year ago, Kenya exploded in post-election riots that...
Jun 20, 2008
Tim Keller Reasons with America
The New York pastor explains why he's taking his ministry model on the road. Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in...