May 18, 2018
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Is Not a Ministry Guide
The infamous pyramid was never an accurate description of how people act, let alone a guide to discipleship. You may have been told once...
Oct 17, 2008
Faith and Hope in Ukraine
How Eastern Europe's most missional evangelical church is rethinking tradition and the Great Commission. Igor Stakhovskiy cracks jokes...
May 22, 2008
In Ukraine's Capital, Mayoral Campaigns Offer Hugs and Sermons
Looking for votes among Kyiv's skeptical evangelicals. Kyiv mayoral elections, scheduled for Sunday, almost seem like a niceness contest....
Feb 1, 2008
Culture Shock | Americans teaching abroad.
The first official day of training, after having flown east for five meals (all breakfast), my Peace Corps cohort somehow ended up...